Penguin Bay Winery
6075 New York 414, Romulus, New York, 14841
Romulus is either a part of or closest to the following metropolitan area(s).
Geneva, 31 miles north; Ithaca, 28 miles southeast
Their website can be found at
Penguin Bay Winery has several locations, called Goose Watch and Swedish Hill. Penguin Bay opened in 2005. It is on the east side of Seneca Lake.
Items available can include:
Pinot GrigioSurfside Chardonnay
Valvin Muscat
Tuxedo White
Pinot Noir
Lemberger-Pinot Noir
Maroon Four
Cabernet Franc
Humboldt Red
Tuxedo Red
Pinot Noir Brut Rose
Blanc de Blanc
Penguin Bay Winery has been recognized with some awards for their work. Including:
2012 Monterey Wine Competition: Gold for its Tuxedo Red
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